GeoMonday 2015.2 – Indoor Navigation for Public Transport: The Beacon Opportunity

hacon-logo Headquartered in Hannover, Germany, HaCon creates and develops high-quality software solutions for traffic, transport and logistics. With over 30 years of experience and a dedicated team of 240+ IT and transport planning specialists, HaCon has established itself as a leading European player for planning, scheduling and information solutions.

The timetable information system HAFAS is used by transportation companies and networks all over the world. Every day, passengers in more than 25 countries place over 40 million journey planner requests that facilitate the use of public transport. Long-time HAFAS customers such as Deutsche Bahn (Germany) and SNCF (France) benefit from ever new, innovative developments for mobile applications, internet journey planners and printed timetables.

A powerful solution for train planning and capacity management, HaCon’s TPS software enjoys a growing European user base.

Christian MaertinsChristian Maertins works since of the 1990s as Carsharing, Ridesharing, eTicketing, network electric mobility consultant. 2011 he founded a StartUp to develop a multimodal Application. This app is integrated since 2014 to HaCon on Mobility Lab.

GeoMonday 2015.1 – Impressions

April 13th we kicked off GeoMonday 2015. For those who where not present, here are some pictures illustrating the talks about our 1st event with the headline Navigation and Orientation for Handicapped People.

Thanks again to our Guest and Speakers:

  • Holger Dieterich (with Raul Krauthausen) from SOZIALHELDEN talked about wheelmap and brokenlifts
  • Marc Ullrich from mdv explained the Projekt SIMBA, how to Barrier-Free routing for Handicapped Persons with using OSM Data
  • Manuel J. Kripp from m4guide  talked about multi modal mobile mobility guide for visual impaired people

We saw some great talks and also got to insides into several social projects that improve barrier-free routing for handycapped people. We really encourage to get in contact with our speakers as they all have a great story to tell.


GeoMonday 2015.1 – Navigation and Orientation for Handicapped People


Navigation devices have dramatically changed the way we drive. Systems are so easy to use, you could say we are dependable. However there are a lot of people out there, which have physical limitations and have real dependencies. This GeoMonday want to shade some light into clever solutions, that help those people everyday.


When: Monday April 13th, 2015, starting 7pm sharp
Where: Mobilesuite, Pappelallee 78/79, 10437 Berlin

You are interested in getting to know some great ideas on this topic and discuss them with us, or even have your own Projects helping to improve every day situations for people with limitations? Join our event and get part of the GeoMonday community.

Get your free tickets here:

If you have your own idea you want to share with others just send us an e-mail to We still have some free slots for the event and are grateful for every contribution. Also see our other events for 2015.

GeoMonday the 4th – Developing location based apps for Gear; challenges and lesson learned

Gear_S_front_black_5Motorola, LG, Samsung, Sony, TomTom, Garmin, Apple and few more companies have recently launched or announced connected or smart watches.  While some people are still challenging the user benefits of a connected watch,  let ‘s look at the developer opportunities and challenges to deliver Location Services to a wearable with the example of the  “Navigator” app developed by HERE for the new Samsung Gear S.

TamerTamer Nassif is Senior Software Engineering Manager at HERE, a Nokia company and leading, building Local/international engineering teams (up to HC of 25) within North America, Europe and Asia. Working closely with customers, engineering, sales, and product owners, marketing and human factors (UX) to conceive, plan, design, develop, and deliver mobile/embedded and client/server software consumer product. He worked for and with the world’s top mobile handset OEM‘s and chipset makers. Delivered successfully on broad spectrum of software programs, products and services ranging from low tier (Emerging markets) to high tier (smartphones) products and consumer devices. Motorola RAZOR, Q9, CN620, DROID, BB Z10, BB 8920, Samsung Redwood Tizen, Gear S are examples of such products I worked or currently working on

Get in contact via mail or connect with him on Google+ or Linkedin.

GeoMonday meets LBMA – Komoot presentation material

Once again we had the pleasure to have Markus Hallermann on the stage. The CEO of komoot gave amazing insides in how the start-up transformed into a profitable company, challenges finding the right business models and of course the pretty tricky bit to market your app.

Connect with him:
Markus Hallermann
CEO of komoot

[slideshare id=27937315&doc=geomondaykomoot-131105143930-phpapp02]

GeoMonday the 1st – Talk 3: Turn-by-Turn Navigation and Rich Information for Outdoor Activities (presentation material)

Markus Hallermann helped us to understand, for outdoor activities like cycling, hiking, road or mountain biking the user needs a lot of different information to choose the best fitting or better the most beautiful route for his activity.

Connect with him:
Markus Hallermann
CEO of komoot


Talk 3: Turn-by-Turn Navigation and Rich Information for Outdoor Activities

Markus HallermannFor outdoor activities like cycling, hiking, road or mountain biking the user needs a lot of different information to choose the best fitting or better the most beautiful route for his activity. Smart phones provide the hardware for true turn-by-turn navigation.

In this talk Markus Hallermann will discuss the challenges of maps and the rich information the user demands planning and navigating a outdoor route.

Grown up in Austria and with a background in physics Markus is CEO and co-founder of komoot.

Follow him on Twitter: @walsertal