Prof. Dr. Michel Deriaz,
Georg Held, Treasurer
Society for Geoinformatics, GeoIT and Navigation e.V.: e.g. 5th GeoIT Wherecamp Conference 2015 with Philipp Kandal (Skobbler Co-Founder and Telenav), Steve Coast (Openstreetmap Founder), Prof. Dr. Roland Wagner ( President), Christof Helmis (HERE Vice President) and Ed Parsons (Google Geospatial Technologist) from left to right. Watch Youtube Video here »
Join our Society for Geoinformatics, GeoIT and Navigation e.V. and be part of a community of 64 personal and 15 institutional members. 21 members hold a professorship and 30 members hold a doctorate title. The top 5 worldwide leading GeoIT Industry companies are also members together with new start-ups.
You like to join? Please send an email to !
We see many interesting tends like GeoIT GeoIoT SLAM Robotics based on ROS, GeoIT LBA with UWB and AR in Mobile, new Geowebinfrastructure initivatives and much more. After the PC/GIS, Internet/Geowebinfrastructure, Mobile/Location Based Apps the current GeoIT age is the GeoIoT age. Internet of Things gets spatial aware and even executable and it this case […]
We are restarting our Wherecamps for you! Although conferences were not feasible in the last years the development of new technologies stepped forward and we see many interesting tends like GeoIT GeoIoT SLAM Robotics based on ROS, GeoIT LBA with UWB and AR in Mobile, new Geowebinfrastructure initivatives and much more. Therefore will be time […]
Invitation to GeoIT Future Workshop Dear member of the the Association for Geoinformatics, GeoIT and Navigation e.V. 15 years ago, in 2005, this society started with the “Bonner Erklärung zur Geoinformatik” (Geoinformatics Bonn declaration). As this press release states, 12 University scholars met and drove this development. Nothing bad with university professors convening and speaking […]
Our registered organization with the short name “” has emerged from the former Association for Geoinformatics / Gesellschaft für Geoinformatik (GfGI) together with the Wherecamp and Geomonday Community.
The full and legal name is the Society for Geoinformatics, GeoIT and Navigation (Gesellschaft für Geoinformatik, GeoIT und Navigation e.V.).
The academic sector was the main focus in the first decade after the foundation in 2006. With the election of the new presidency and an advisory board in 2016, the association gave itself a new short name –, redefined its focus towards the growing GeoIT industry with navigation. is the network platform where our members from business, science and technology development meet, discussing future trends, thinkable scenario and upcoming developments. has an international orientation, we understand ourselfs as a central hub in the world-wide GeoIT network. Therefore knowledge exchange via conferences and meetings is main goal of the society.
Society for Geoinformatics, GeoIT and Navigation e.V.
Gerhart-Hauptmann-Straße 2
59510 Lippetal-Lippborg
Represented by:
President Prof. Dr. Michel Deriaz
Vice President Prof. Dr. Thomas Blaschke
Vice President Lukasz Rojek
Treasurer Georg Held
Association Registery / Vereinsregister:
Amtsgerichts Berlin-Charlottenburg VR35911 B