The GeoIT WhereCamp Conference is a premier conference focusing on the latest trends and insights around digital mapping, navigation and local intelligence within the GeoIT domain since the foundation in 2012 by Philipp Kandal, Jan Nowak and Prof. Dr. Roland Wagner after a meeting at the second O’Reilly Where 2.0 conference in San Francisco in spring 2012 and the second Wherecamp after Stanford in 2011 in San Francisco.
It's called an "unconference" because the agenda is set on the spot, in a spontaneous, collaborative way. Attendees post their ideas, take the initiative, and lead sessions—whether talks, discussions, or workshops. Surprisingly, this flexible approach works remarkably well! The unconference model was especially effective during periods of rapid change, like 2008-2014, when mobile computing was emerging, and individuals were pioneering new applications. However, as the IT/GeoIT platform expanded and larger teams began collaborating on these growing applications, the need for a more structured conference format emerged. This led to demand for a traditional setup with a Call for Participation, a predefined agenda, and more organization.