Our society GeoIT.org has emerged from the former Association for Geoinformatics / Gesellschaft für Geoinformatik (GfGI) together with the Wherecamp and Geomonday Community. The academic sector was the main focus in the first decade after the foundation in 2006. With the election of the new presidency and an advisory board in 2016, the association gave itself a new short name –GeoIT.org-, redefined its focus towards the growing GeoIT industry with navigation and autonomous driving.

GeoIT.org is the network platform where our members from business, science and technology development meet, discussing future trends, thinkable scenario and upcoming developments. GeoIT.org has an international orientation, we understand ourselfs as a central hub in the world-wide GeoIT network. Therefore knowledge exchange via conferences and meetings is main goal of the association.

We have currently 74 personal with 17 institutional active members.