Prof. Dr. Martin Kada

Technische Universität Berlin, Fakultät VI Planen Bauen Umwelt, Institute for Geodesy and Geoinformationstechnologies (IGG)

After his diploma in computer science, Martin Kada worked as an academic staff member in the GIS group of the Institute for Photogrammetry at the University of Stuttgart. There he received his doctoral degree in engineering on the topic of multi-scale generation of 3D city models. Three years later he was appointed junior professor for geoinformatics at the University of Osnabrück. Since 2015 he holds a full professorship at Technische Universität Berlin and is head of the chair “Methods of Geoinformation Science”. His research interests include 3D urban environments, particularly their automatic generation from 3D point clouds and their (real-time) visualization.

Dr. Peter Ruppel

Dr. Peter Ruppel

T-Labs / TU Berlin

Gunnar Berghäuser

Gunnar Berghäuser

tomtom, Berlin

Georg Held

Georg Held

Treasurer, since November 2021

Prof. Dr. Roland Wagner

President of the Association for Geoinformatics, GeoIT and Navigation e.V.

Professorship for Geoinformatics, GeoIT and Navigation at Beuth Hochschule für Technik Berlin

Prof. Dr. Thomas Blaschke

Prof. Dr. Thomas Blaschke

Vice President of the Association for Geoinformatics, GeoIT and Navigation e.V.

Thomas Blaschke is a Professor at the University of Salzburg, Austria, and Deputy Director of the Department of Geoinformatics – Z_GIS, as well as head of the Doctoral College GIScience and involved in startup initiatives. He is author, co-author or editor of 360 scientific publications including 17 books, covering a broad range of aspects of the field of Geoinformatics.

Manuel Friedrich

Manuel Friedrich

Berlin Partner

Cluster ICT Media Creative Industries, Berlin and Brandenburg

Philipp Kandal

Member of Advisor Board of Association for Geoinformatics, GeoIT and Navigation e.V.

Founder of the Wherecamp Conference, e.g. Interview:

Founder Skobbler

and more

Prof. Dr. Matthias Möller

Prof. Dr. Matthias Möller

Member of Advisor Board of Association for Geoinformatics, GeoIT and Navigation e.V.