Archives for April 2015

GeoMonday 2015.1 – Impressions

April 13th we kicked off GeoMonday 2015. For those who where not present, here are some pictures illustrating the talks about our 1st event with the headline Navigation and Orientation for Handicapped People.

Thanks again to our Guest and Speakers:

  • Holger Dieterich (with Raul Krauthausen) from SOZIALHELDEN talked about wheelmap and brokenlifts
  • Marc Ullrich from mdv explained the Projekt SIMBA, how to Barrier-Free routing for Handicapped Persons with using OSM Data
  • Manuel J. Kripp from m4guide  talked about multi modal mobile mobility guide for visual impaired people

We saw some great talks and also got to insides into several social projects that improve barrier-free routing for handycapped people. We really encourage to get in contact with our speakers as they all have a great story to tell.


GeoMonday 2015.1 – Does this place have stairs at the entry?

Holger and Raul, who is using a wheelchair, had to ask this question a lot when they wanted to go somewhere. So they build, a map to find wheelchair accessible places. Since it’s launch 5 years ago over 500.000 places have been tagged by volunteers all over the world, making it the biggest database of it’s kind. is online in 22 languages and also available as iOS and Android apps. Being an OpenStreetMap project all it’s data is available under an open license. is run by SOZIALHELDEN, a non-profit based in Berlin which launched many follow-up project since then. One is the service where visitors can see which elevators are currently out of service in the Berlin public transportation system.

Holger is the co-founder of and will tell us about the opportunities and challenges they saw when building these projects on top of open data, what things they tried and failed and how he sees projects like these in the long run.

About Holger Dieterich
When Holger is not at SOZIALHELDEN, he is active in the Berlin Startup scene as coach and mentor for entrepreneurs, curator of the StartupDigest and running events like the Lean Startup Meetup and Usabilityfix. He has a degree from the University of the Arts Berlin and worked as product manager before.

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