GeoMonday 2015.3 – A practical guide to use drones

fhb_logo_neuIn this presentation it is shown a complete workflow for 3D-Reconstruction using a civil drone and getting structure-from-motion (SFM) technologies. Security issues and legal aspects are also considered.

The following questions and actions are discussed and

  • what is the minimum set for a drone mission (Hardware and Software Requirements)
  • basics for flying a drone, Safety and Security and legal aspects
  • basics to prepare an autonomous flight
  • concrete steps to prepare and fly the mission
  • how to process the data (image data)
    • e.g. how to get still images from a video stream and more
  • practical aspects about photogrammetry, especially stereo photogrammetry
  • define the workflow for 3D reconstruction using commercial software.

Fischer-mit-DrohneArno Fischer is a Professor for Operating Systems and Computer Networks at the University of Applied Sciences Brandenburg (FHB). He has been working on drone technologies: Anticollision Systems (Detect and Avoid), Attitude Control, Safety and Security for Drones, Civil Applications and Use Cases with Drones and Teaching Concepts. On Behalf of FHB he is member of UAV-DACH and DIN (NA 131-01-01 AA Arbeitsausschuss Unbemannte Luftfahrtsysteme).

GeoMonday 2015.3 – Capturing the world in 3D: beyond OpenStreetMap

OpenAerialMap, OpenDroneMap, OpenUAV – there are plenty of new projects around the idea of leveraging UAVs and digital cameras as a map data source. They are all following OpenStreetMap’s idea of creating a new map data source that is open. The talk will give an overview of the OpenAerialMap initiative and how to use the OpenDroneMap (ODM) software package to create 3D models and ortho-images. Some thoughts about the meaning and future of ubiquitous UAV technology for data capturing and surveying will aMartin_Scholl_1 smalllso be presented.

Martin Scholl is a software engineer and 3 times company founder. His current focus is 3D digital perception and digitalization with applications in robots, autonomous systems, and art marketing.