Archives for December 2015

GeoMonday 2015.4 – Impressions

The last session of GeoMonday 2015 was again a supreme gathering of geo-addicted tech people and a set of fantastic speakers. We had a last minute commitment from Gabriele Negro (kietsy). He joined the presentation canon as the 4th speaker. The session was kicked of by Maximilian von Garnier (Yelp), followed by David Yu ( and Robert Tochman-Szewc (Jodel).

It was interesting to see, how much messaging, advertisement and place discovery nowadays seamlessly blend together and that often the related spatial content is not anymore associated with a map view.

For those who missed the session, here some videos of our speakers:

And some presentations:

Finally here some impressions:

We wish all presenters, guests and followers of GeoMonday a merry christmas and a happy new year. Please bear with us, as we are coming back in 2016.

PS: Have also a look into our newly planned head organization and consider becoming part of it:


GeoMonday 2015.4 – Jodel and Location

The presentation will introduce you to Jodel, a student-targeted location-based communication platform, show the role of location in the product and how the company went through different solutions to keep a consistent user experience without sacrificing performance.



After finishing his Master’s Thesis about Brand Analysis on Reddit, Robert Tochman-Szewc joined Jodel as a Business Intelligence developer and analyst. There, he was in charge of creating a location-focused warehouse solution for the company, a key part of the company’s analytics stack. Later, he continued reworking the application backend and is currently Tech Lead at the company. He has previously worked at SAP in different departments during his Bachelor studies.