GeoMonday 2015.2 – Route360°

MI_logoThe idea of Motion Intelligence and its technology Route360° is to simplify the online search for spatial objects (local search) by the use of sophisticated route planning and travel time analysis and visualization.

Motion Intelligence provides the Technology to third party institutions and companies. Additionally Motion Intelligence offers to create concepts, develop and run applications, extend existing applications or create new ones from scratch. Motion Intelligence is specialized in travel time analysis and visualization in order to help people finding or evaluating spatial objects.


Henning studied Cartography and Geomatics in Karlsruhe from 2006 until 2010 and finished with a bachelor’s degree. Since 2010 he was studying Geoinformation and Visualization at Potsdam University and received his masters degree in 2014.

In his studies he focused on the analysis of large traffic networks. The final thesis “Interaktive Analyse und Visualisierung der Erreichbarkeit in Verkehrsnetzen“ was supervised by the Institute of Geography and the Hasso-Plattner-Institut (HPI).

It recieved a lot of positive feedback and is the basis of the startup Motion Intelligence.