GeoMonday 2016.4 – The Beauty of Mapping Big Data


Data Lens is a cloud-based API toolkit for developing web-based geographical data visualizations. Raw data is queried via a REST API from the Data Lens cloud, and transformed and aggregated to provide input to the JavaScript API, which can render map objects, vector shapes and heat maps. This talk is about the beauty behind big data represented by Data Lens heat maps, the beauty behind its accuracy and its engineering.

stoimen_popovA graduate in computer science and information systems, Stoimen started his working life as a server-side developer. For the past eight years, he has fallen hopelessly into front-end technology stacks.  Ever since then, he keeps an obsessive interest in the integration of the latest technologies discovered in the wide world of the front end. Stoimen is currently an R&D Lead for the Product Innovation team in the HERE IoT Department.