GeoIT Wherecamp 2016 Review

Dear more
than 350 Participants,
dear 65 Speakers,
dear 53 Program Committee Members,
dear 18 Sponsors,
dear 8 Galileo Hackathon Team Members,
dear 7 Organizers,
dear Vice President of Beuth Hochschule and
other helpers,
many thanks for engaging with the 6th edition of the GeoIT.Wherecamp Navigation Conference 2016.
One week after our event, we received much positive feedback from you all. Therefore I have the impression that we all enhanced the event again to an enjoyable, but also knowledge driven conference in the GeoIT sector. We are preparing now the presentations, photos and videos for you.

As announced you may also join the organizing Association for Geoinformatics, GeoIT and Navigation e.V. as a student, regular and corporate member:  to be part of more than 100 members. The next Association event is the upcoming GeoIT.Geomonday on December 5th with only 6 remaining seats ( Also the GeoIT.Perspectives meetings are in preparations.

For other ideas or general issues, contact us via After this main event more practical issues like homepages, legal and financial requirements, office and other activities get into our focus.

We are looking forward to 2017 together with your advice, support and ideas.

Prof. Dr. Roland Wagner

Wherecamp Navigation Conference Chair,
President of the Assocation for Geoinformatics, GeoIT and Navigation e.V.