Dr. Lukasz K. Bonenberg

Dr. Lukasz K. Bonenberg

is a Senior Experimental Officer at the University of Nottingham.  He is currently working on the intelligent transport, with main research focus on GNSS
based sensor fusion, preventing and detecting GNSS interference including jamming. His main research focus is navigation (including pseudolites, IMU and UWB), sensor fusion and data science. His previous research included augmentation of GNSS with ground transmitters (pseudolite, Locatalite) to improve the confidence of positioning in areas of limited sky visibility, low cost IMU indoor positioning. His experience includes large commercial and governmental GIS, engineering and monitoring projects in the UK, USA and Poland. An active member of Chartered Institute of Civil Engineering Surveyors. He received his PhD from the University of Nottingham.

Nottingham Geospatial
The Nottingham Geospatial Building
University of Nottingham