Dr. Volker
Sasse leads as chairman of the NDS Association the current developments of autonomous
driving as part of the www.openautodriveforum.org
. In parallel he is also Vice President and Chief Science Officer of NavInfo,
NavInfo Tech and Mapscape in Beijing, Regensburg and Eindhoven since 2008. The
decade before, Volker acted as Program-Manager, Department-Leader, Project-Leader,
Product-Manager and Supplier-Manager at Siemens VDO Automotive AG, Siemens AG
and Continental AG in Regensburg. In the 90ies Hildesheim was with Robert Bosch
Data GmbH (company group of TeleAtlas), Blaupunkt LLC and Geoscan his activity
field. Hildesheim developed as a key cluster and as a worldwide origin of GeoIT
with Navigation. Dr. Volker Sasse prepared
his career as a scientist at the Institute of Photogrammetry and Engineer Mapping
Surveying of the University of Hannover from 1985 until 1993 in a more and more
digitalized environment.
10. October 2016 by