You like to visit TomTom’s Berlin Offices in the Treptow Towers? Register for the next GeoIT Talks on Monday, 3rd of December 2018.
Register for the next 20th GeoIT Talks on Monday 3rd @ TomTom
25. November 2018 by
You like to visit TomTom’s Berlin Offices in the Treptow Towers? Register for the next GeoIT Talks on Monday, 3rd of December 2018.
Society for Geoinformatics, GeoIT and Navigation e.V.
Gerhart-Hauptmann-Straße 2
59510 Lippetal-Lippborg
Represented by:
President Prof. Dr. Michel Deriaz
Vice President Prof. Dr. Thomas Blaschke
Vice President Lukasz Rojek
Treasurer Georg Held
Association Registery / Vereinsregister:
Amtsgerichts Berlin-Charlottenburg VR35911 B