Rasmus Steenberg Andersen
CTO, MapsPeople a/s

Rasmus Steenberg Andersen is the CTO of MapsPeople and heads up MapsPeople’s teams of developers and deployment engineers. He is also responsible for a number of large clients such as The Danish National Police. Having been with MapsPeople since 1994, Rasmus Steenberg Andersen
has acted as Project Manager, Lead Developer and Chief Developer. He has also been a pivotal part of building online and offline services for maps since 1998 as well as MapsPeople’s indoor mapping platform, MapsIndoors.
About MapsPeople: MapsPeople is the global leader in Indoor Mapping & Navigation built with Google Maps. Our platform, MapsIndoors, offer a seamless transition from outdoor to indoor navigation. By integrating MapsIndoors into existing mobile apps, web solutions and/or info kiosks, using the MapsIndoors SDK or API, you can smoothly provide indoor maps, search and navigation
to Web, Mobile web and native Android and iOS.
