In this 3rd edition of GeoMonday 2016 we will put our entire focus on THE mother of all hype topics in 2016 – Virtual Reality. Beside new and jaw-dropping devices we want also take a look behind the pure gaming experience. Real 3D Geo-data presented with state of the art technology will provide us with an entire new experience how we experience and interact with our surrounding or visualize data. Beside our fantastic line up of speakers, we also plan hands-on sessions. So join us in that journey to the “Second World”.
Please be aware, that this is our this year’s “offsite” session. Join us at the scenic Hasso Plattner Institute in Potsdam.
Get your tickets for the 3th GeoMonday 2016 now!
Date: 26th of September 2016
Time: 6:45 pm
Place: Hasso-Plattner-Institut – Prof.-Dr.-Helmert-Straße 2-3 – 14482 Potsdam – Germany – Room H-E.51/52 in the Main Building