GeoMonday 2015.4 – Impressions

The last session of GeoMonday 2015 was again a supreme gathering of geo-addicted tech people and a set of fantastic speakers. We had a last minute commitment from Gabriele Negro (kietsy). He joined the presentation canon as the 4th speaker. The session was kicked of by Maximilian von Garnier (Yelp), followed by David Yu ( and Robert Tochman-Szewc (Jodel).

It was interesting to see, how much messaging, advertisement and place discovery nowadays seamlessly blend together and that often the related spatial content is not anymore associated with a map view.

For those who missed the session, here some videos of our speakers:

And some presentations:

Finally here some impressions:

We wish all presenters, guests and followers of GeoMonday a merry christmas and a happy new year. Please bear with us, as we are coming back in 2016.

PS: Have also a look into our newly planned head organization and consider becoming part of it: