Dr. Matthias Jöst

CEO Flowcate | Committee leader "omlox - the open locating standard"

Dr. Matthias Jöst

CEO Flowcate | Committee leader "omlox - the open locating standard"


With over 20 years of experience in the field of location-based services, I am passionate about creating seamless access to location data for a better world. As the CEO of Flowcate, I lead a global partner ecosystem around our locating middleware DeepHub, which enables industry and logistics applications to leverage spatial-temporal information from various sources and sensors.

My background in AI and Geoinformatics, which I obtained from my PhD at Heidelberg University, allows me to solve complex problems in urban and indoor navigation, smart cities, and mobile solutions. I am also the co-initiator and committee leader of omlox, the open industrial locating standard that won the Hermes Award in 2020. Additionally, I volunteer in other industry associations to shape the understanding and adoption of location in industrial contexts.

All sessions by Dr. Matthias Jöst

Smart Manufacturing and Industrial RTLS

14 Nov 2019
11:00 - 11:20
TU Lichthof