Indoor Wayfinding With The New Generation of Google Access Points
Wi-Fi RTT allows the system and apps to “measure the distance to nearby RTT-capable Wi-Fi access points” with high precision (around 10 cm in Line-of-Sight). This feature was introduced in IEEE 802.11mc standard, and not so long ago, at I/O’18 Google announced that Android 9 Pie (API level 28) introduces support for indoor positioning by leveraging 802.11mc protocol. Navigine has demonstrated how it can help to get achieve submeter accuracy on Android devices. To demonstrate the opportunities of Wi-Fi RTT Navigine created testbed with 4 Google Wi-Fi access points which provide RTT measurements and Android Google Pixel 3a smartphone supporting Wi-Fi RTT. Testing was performed in restricted area of Navigine office with 9x11m size. The positioning engine is a particle filter combining Pedestrian Dead Reckoning (PDR), based on inertial sensors readings, and Wi-Fi RTT readings for correction.